Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fall in New England (repost from old blog)

Fall in New England.... there is nothing like it. The hills and trees seem to be painted by the hand of God and we are the lucky patrons, who do not need to pay but are given open access to delight in the splendor of it all. Each time I step from my house or office I am taken aback by the colours this year.... they are amazing. Stunning to be exact. It makes me realize how I could be living my life more consciously, more present in the moments and less preoccupied in the doing or needing to be done. I have been letting too many things, and too many people, fall through my fingers. Life is full and amazing, but easily stuffed beyond its capacity with the nothing which we somehow feel is important... the nothing like: a super shiny car... hand buffed to the point of mirror reflection, a perfectly manicured lawn so that one wouldnt know it was fall if you didn't have a "welcome Fall" flag hanging outside your door, hair which is beautifully coiffed and does not move with the body or upon the breeze which caresses you. I see how even I fall into this "stuffing" and I consider myself to be a fairly conscious person. It is moments like these... when my breath is taken away that I realize that life is not full of "disney experiences" but overbrimming with everyday magic, the amazing realities of life. If I dont look for them, search them out, I will easily overlook them... missing the gifts of the day, the miricles of my life, my existance, my friends (and family). Time to cultivate this appreciation is here if I really want it, just as there is enough time to blog, to read, to call a friend I haven't spoken to in a while. The reality is that I either have told myself there isn't time or I have reassigned it to something/someone else. Reflection (like that in the shiny car) is often more than I wish to see; when it comes to answering questions that I dont want to see my own responsability in I insead look away. *sigh*

deep rambles which started as a simple appreciation for the season and the gifts in my life which have no monitary cost to me but are laiden with riches... ones I often dont know if I deserve.

as always... not edited or even reread....

hope you are all well and filled witht hte awe of the wonder of life....

Blessings and hugz,


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