Monday, August 23, 2010

Rainy Day Perspective

It is a rainy day here today. At the risk of repeating myself, it's a beautiful day. I love the rain (thunder and lightening storms too). Perhaps it is because I got a full nights sleep last night or perhaps it's simply because I choose to look at life through eyes which are happy, but the day is marvelous; absolutely amazing. To look out the window, which I am sitting in front of, someone else may see a dreary grey sort ot day. I am seeing the squirrels running about, the birds flapping their lil wings in the puddles and feeling the wonderful moisture which only a rainstorm can bring. Rain has the ability to wash away the debris that was left behind ,either by play/work/ or life, and I choose to look at those days as a fresh start. So for me the rain is a welcome visitor... one which I won't waste my time wishing would leave, but will embrace and enjoy while it's here.

As a side note (boy, I am introspective today), I was talking with a friend over the last few days and heard them make comment (a few times) that they won this or that and that they were very good at such and such. The competitive spirit in me wants to challenge this; wants to prove my excellence and importance, but instead I sat and let them speak. What has come from these conversations though is that I can see the changes I have made within myself over the years. Namely, change from an overly aggressive, completly goal orriented person, who would win at all costs into someone who can put in an effort and still walk away with nothing. I sometimes fear that my shift has gone too far in the other direction, but that could just be my ego wanting to be seen and heard. I have softened my views of myself and others, I am human and by definition I am flawed. I am good at some things, but not the best, I am terrible at others and that doesnt make me any less "me"...any less good. I would rather see myself as this complex arrangement of good and bad, of talents and faults than to make myself a flat cut-out, a fake representation of perfection. I suck at many things, my mind isn't nearly as strong as it once was, my body is definitly showing signs of aging, but with all of these changes comes a strength. I like to think of it like a young tree in the middle of a hurricane.... the trees who are seemingly strong and rigid are the ones which will be destroyed by the ravages of the wind the ones who are flexible and can move are the ones which survive. So for today I will try and stay flexible and forgiving in my perspectives... both of myself and of others.

My wish for you is for you to also stay felxible... try to be gentle with yourself and not look too criticly upon your thoughts, words and deeds.... take stock of yourself and embrace your weaknesses as much as your strengths....

I wish you a gloriously wonderful RAINY day!
