no joke.. I didnt know that was what was going on... thought it was a bad thunderstorm... but this is part of what the New Haven Register had to say..."...WETHERSFIELD — The National Weather Service says a Connecticut tornado that knocked out power and downed trees lasted three minutes, traveled 1.7 miles and packed winds between 80 and 90 mph.The tornado was estimated at EF-1 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.The agency conducted ground and aerial surveys at Farmington and Wethersfield Saturday, a day after a narrow twister uprooted trees and flatted cornstalks in a field.Drivers in the Glastonbury-Hartford area reported being pelted with golfball-size hail, and heavy storm damage was reported in Farmington.Numerous trees were knocked down, and some were driven through houses, including a two-story house at Church and Garden streets in Old Wethersfield that was split in two. A steady stream of curious onlookers passed the house all weekend as crews worked on the debris."I had lima bean sized hail and as I drove in this to work (in the town where the actual tornado struck :P) I did see the clumps of larger hail on the side of the road...the sky was black as could be and the lightening was amazing (of course since I like lightening I was obvliviously not alarmed).I will try and send some pics of some of the trees that were tron down. It was easy to kind of brush this off as not such a big deal until I drove down "Wolcott Hill Road" in Wethersfield... 300 year old trees completely uprooted. The exposed part of the root masses were sometimes 12' in diameter. Other old trees have no limbs left... they look as though someone grabbed them and stripped off all the limbs and foliage..once again another reminder to make the most of each day, of each moment.... you never know when something whill change and your number will be up.Live your best life and Soak it all up.*hugs* Ren
I love storms! Hope everyone is okay. No tornadoes here in Montana-just fires this time of year. I have those ATC's ready to mail-send me your addy.