More kids birthday parties this weekend (along with grocery shopping, errands and a dinner with friends). Once again I find myself going from one childs birthday party to the next. I am struck by the fact that I limit the amount of yes responses we give to party invitations and yet how many parties there are to go to. Today there seemed to be a theme... it was the "moonbounce" theme. Both parties were for very young children, one a three year old and the onther (a family member) was for a 1 year old. As is to be expected the kids LOVED the moonbounce houses. They were jumping up and down and laughing with great abandon. I noticed how all the parents were kind of sitting about and talking but didn't seem to be having nearly the amount of fun as the kids... so what did I do? YUP! You guessed it! I untied my strappy sandals, removed them and crawled inside. Bouncing up and down as high as I could, lifting up my legs and tucking them to fall onto my bottom.. bouncing up again and onto my feet. It was great fun, actually as much fun as I remember from my own childhood (possibly more). At the first party, I got inside when all the kids had left but as soon as they saw an adult they all came pouring in. It was fun to see their surprise and welcome to having an adult play with them (never mind a mom!!). By the time I decided I needed another romp at the second party I got inside when there were already a half dozen little bodies bouncing around like Jumping Beans. The reaction at the second party was similar to the first, giggles and smiles and exclaimations of delight. There were a couple dads who got into the Moonbounce at the second party and were jumping around as well... it was great to see. There are so many lessons which we can learn from our kids not the least of which is that life should be fun... if we are more concerned with staying cool, looking good or with what others are thinking we limit our capacity for fun. Something I don't want to do... life is too short to limit the fun and too long if I don't allow myself any.
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