Gratitude is easy when things are right conversely it is easy to have gratitude when you think you are at the end of your days. Its the drudgery that covers life with a film of grime in a way that we can lose track of what we have.
Ive been trying (ohhh there is a whole nother topic "trying") to meditate more. I always feel centered when i do and that helps with the day in day out stress management. I realize that my gratitude tends to center on people... having people in my life... on their health and on my own. Ive somehow lost track of the gratitude for being alive and gifted the experience of life. It isnt always pretty and it definitely isnt as neat as Id like but life is like an exquisite dessert... it takes a lot of work but if you take a moment to really pay attention the joys of eating it up are well worth any of the effort.
My wishes for you today are to eat up... welcome each decadent mouthful like its your first and last. Really pay attention to the gifts you have, its too easy to get sidetracked in the nonsense which doesnt really matter...